
Snap Inc.

Snap's IPO was estimated to value the company at between $20 billion and $25 billion, the largest IPO on a US exchange since Alibaba debuted in 2014 at a ...

Snap Inc. (SNAP) Stock Price, News, Quote & History

Find the latest Snap Inc. (SNAP) stock quote, history, news and other vital information to help you with your stock trading and investing. Snap Shares Tank as... · Snap reports surprise profit... · Community · Options

Snap Inc. Announces Pricing of Initial Public Offering

VENICE, Calif. --(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Snap Inc. today announced the pricing of its initial public offering of 200,000,000 shares of Class A common ...

繼Facebook之後科技史上最大規模IPO!Snap確定發行價,估值近 ...



今年備受矚目的科技公司IPO,Snap以每股17美元為初始價格,於2017年3月2日正式在紐約股票交易所公開上市,一開盤,其股價就上漲41%,來到每股24美元, ...

Snap closes up 44% after rollicking IPO

Snap shares closed their first day of trading up 44 percent at $24.48 a share, quenching a long drought in the market for tech IPOs. More than ...

How does the Snapchat IPO make any sense?

The shares of Snap will start to trade on the US markets today. The IPO price of $17 per share values the company at about $24B. Based on interest in the ...



Snap Inc (SNAP) IPO

Snap Inc. is a camera company. We believe that reinventing the camera represents our greatest opportunity to improve the way that people live and ...


This is an initial public offering of shares of non-voting Class A common stock of Snap Inc. Snap Inc. is offering to sell shares of Class A common stock in ...


Snap'sIPOwasestimatedtovaluethecompanyatbetween$20billionand$25billion,thelargestIPOonaUSexchangesinceAlibabadebutedin2014ata ...,FindthelatestSnapInc.(SNAP)stockquote,history,newsandothervitalinformationtohelpyouwithyourstocktradingandinvesting.SnapSharesTankas...·Snapreportssurpriseprofit...·Community·Options,VENICE,Calif.--(BUSINESSWIRE)--SnapInc.todayannouncedthepricingofitsinitialpublicof...